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Minard's Map Revisited - Napoleon's invasion of Russia
Mon, 18. August, 2008

Minard's Map Revisited - French Invasion of Russia (1812-1813)

way to Moscow...way to Moscowway back to France...way back to France

© 2007 by Tobias Gritschacher, Gerald Musser, (Bakk. techn.) Klaus Zimmermann

Charles Joseph Minard's (1781-1870) map of the French invasion of Russia (Napoleon's March) in the year 1812 to 1813 shows several informations:

original (fr): "Carte figurative des pertes successives en hommes de l'Armée Française dans la campagne de Russie 1812-1813"

  • D5 & D6 The map is embedded in geographical longitudes and latitudes with an overlay of todays real borders.
  • D4 The temperature is displayed along the retreatway, displayable in the french degrees RĂ©aumur or in degree Celsius.
  • D3 The thickness of the lines represents the French army strength along their attack and retreat ways. Additional the army strength can be displayed in numbers.
  • D2 For better geographical orientation rivers and citys located along the way are displayed.
  • D1 This is an animation of the way to and from Moscow of the french army.
  • MAIN BATTLES In addition to the original information some historical background of the main battles can be displayed.

Looking for more useful informations:

Charles Joseph Minard
Charles Joseph Minard - Wikipedia (EN)
Charles Joseph Minard - Wikipedia (DE)

Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
Napoleon's Invasion of Russia - Wikipedia (EN)
Vaterlädischer Krieg - Wikipedia (DE)

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